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Why your website isn’t converting & how to fix it right now

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Did you know that only 2% of website visits end in a sale? ?

And also that the average small business’ website only gets 1,000 clicks per month? (How does that statistic stack up against yours?)

So if you do the math… That’s an average of 20 sales a month, which isn’t enough to run a sustainable business that generates full-time income.

The good news is that there are ways you can maximize that statistic and increade your conversion rate – and it can all be achieved through web design fixes! (And the chances are, if you’re getting less than 20 sales a month it isn’t your offer that’s the problem, it’s your marketing.

The number one mistake you’re making is this: Your website isn’t built around a strategic goal.

We fall into the trap of thinking because web design has ‘design’ in the name, it’s all about looking pretty. The fonts, the images and the layout just has to look ‘nice’ and ‘on brand’. Wrong!

(And what looks great to you might not even be what your ideal client wants to see!)

So how do we fix it? With getting INTENTIONAL

Showit website template for coaches
Jasmine Bloom Showit website template for coaches

Having a design that resonates to hook your dream client’s attention, but that also acts like a map for them to to get sucked onto a path that leads them to that sale.

When I create a template, I’m thinking about how the client will experience it, and I know exactly what route they’ll take to get to that end goal! If you don’t know what their journey will be and design a website that navigates them through that process, you won’t convert sales.

I totally know how it feels to fall into the design trap – I’d rather skip the numbers to focus on the fun stuff, too! But I’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to.

Click this link to check out my FREE Strategic brand templates! They’re the perfect first step to maximizing your sales and building the profitable, stylish business of your dreams. ✨

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